Daily Traffic
How to Get Proven Buyer Traffic for Pennies a Day

How to Get Proven Buyer Traffic for Pennies a Day

Are you looking for some paid traffic to get more leads to your business. Tired of fee traffic with all that clicking giving you finger cramps. Well look no furthur my fellow internet warriors. I am going to show you how to get proven buyer traffic for pennies a day. To be honest I can’t guarantee your going to make any sales but you will be getting a lot of eyeballs looking at your links. This program is called the EZ Clix Traffic Club.

What EZ Clix does is quite simple. Everyone that joins has to pay a monthly membership fee. When you join you will be sending them traffic. All these folk are proven buyers so if you have something good to offer they just buy buy. Like I said before their is no guarantee in this world about anything. Except those two things that I think you know what I am talking about. I don’t want to depress you so I will leave the quessing up to you.

What is the EZ Clix Club all about?

EzClix Club is designed to deliver quality traffic directly to any offer, instantly.

We take a co-op approach to secure great value, we leverage & multiply that with our custom viral systems, and then we pass it on to our Members as uncapped daily traffic.

We believe that ANYONE building a business online should be prepared to invest a few dollars a month for traffic… and in return we deliver unbeatable value for your investment.

And with our super-generous affiliate program, you can even cover the entire cost of your membership with just a couple of referrals.

EzClix is simple to understand, easy to set up, and quick to deliver results…

There you go. Simple to use and affordable. One thing that the EZ Clix system will do is bring you quality traffic for pennies. Day after day as long as you stay a member traffic will be visiting your link. Sounds good but how much is this going to cost me, you probably are going to ask. Well I will tell you the system works on a month to month basis and you can cancel anytime. Prices are always changing to click on the banner below to what the price is today.

Traffic as easy as …

EZ Clix Traffic Sources

Why You Need Better Traffic Options

Most free & instant traffic systems are a suckers game that stop working as soon as you do. Social media & video are great, but they require far more time and effort than anyone will ever tell you up front. And paid traffic is a lottery… it can work, but you never know for sure until after your money is spent…

 Manual Traffic

Traffic surfing and email reading both give the illusion of traffic, but most of your visitors are all other sellers, only there because they want traffic to their own offer. There’s value there if you know where to look… but it’s NOT sitting there for hours, mindlessly clicking…

 Social & Video

Both of these do work extremely well, once you have the followers. But you only get followers when you’re producing loads of great content. That takes tools, know-how and a whole lot of time. Be wary of anyone who tells you one-click software can create that kind of content or instant results.

 Paid Traffic

There’s all kinds of paid traffic options that can all deliver, but you mostly get what you pay for, and good traffic doesn’t come cheap. Your choice is to just chance it and hope it works, or start slow and test it all… and hope you don’t run out of money before you find a winner.


EzAdz utilizes all of these traffic sources, but we do it the right way. We work together as a traffic buying co-op, to access a broad portfolio of premium traffic sources and we recycle and leverage every single visitor to generate maximum value for our members.

Here’s How Your EzClix Traffic Portfolio Stacks Up…

Custom Viral Systems… We feed a portion of all our visitor traffic into these, especially our paid traffic. These grow our passive traffic and deliver more and more long-term, ongoing traffic as time goes on.

Premium Traffic Packages… We split these visitors between your offers and our Viral Systems, where we can recycle & leverage each visit. This lets us grow the system and extract ongoing value from one-time traffic purchases!

Login Ads… These let us put your offers infront of Traffic Exchange surfers and Safelist members, BEFORE they drift into that mindless clicking mode. We love these kinds of ads where we know we still have the visitor’s attention.

Traffic Rotators… The quality can be a bit hit-and-miss, but our Co-op approach means we can buy enough traffic to make it work! This gives us easy access to a broad audience, so it’s great for promoting our viral systems as well.

Banners… They get a bad-rap, but banner traffic is engaged traffic. People choose to click because they want to know more. So we use Banner Traffic to feed the EzClix Viral Systems and our own incentivised rotators.

Social Tools… This is another option where you do the work once and the visitors keep on coming, as long as you do it right and stick at it. We haven’t got the time or patience for that though, so we outsource it to the experts!

Email Marketing… We capture a lot of leads from our own promos and from our affiliates’ efforts… so we also recycle that traffic to feed the viral components and generate additional page views at every opportunity.

Game Theory… This stuff just works and you’ll see we use it extensively on EzClix to deliver more engaged visitors and extra page views. A lot of traffic sites use these techniques now so whenever we find it done well we always ramp up our ad buy.

That’s just a quick overview. We already have a large and varied portfolio and we’ll be adding new sources constantly to ensure YOU get a steady flow of high-quality visitors to your offers…


Brent Editor of AdvertiseFreeontheInterrnet
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