TheDownliner Advertising System Review How does it Work
I would like to write a little review about theDownliner. What this system does is give you traffic. Lot’s and lot’s of high quality traffic coming to your business daily. TheDownliner Advertising System Review How does it Work? Great question we all want to know. Being a want to be internet marketer I use this system all the time. So let’s dig in.
First of all the best thing about this advertising Coop is it doesn’t cost me any money to use. As a matter of fact I get ton’s of traffic coming to my online businesses for free. Not only is it free I am actually making money with it by signing up affiliates to it. Once they purchase some advertising or upgrade I get paid a commission. How cool is that. Free advertising and make money doing it.
What else can theDownliner Do
One very cool thing I really like about using this amazing Coop is that it can build your list easily for you. All you have to do is display your capture pages on it daily. You probably got some cool capture pages if you got an online business. Every internet guru does so you should too. Now you are on a triple income stream with theDownliner and I will tell you why.
First of all you are making money by advertising your business to thousands without any work and making sales. Advertising your business on auto leaves you to do other important tasks. Second of all you are making money by getting referrals to theDownliner itself. Commissions you make with this programs are very good. Now I am speaking of my own experience so I can’t tell you how other marketers do. All I know is it is working great for me. So what is the third way to make money. Your list. This great traffic machine will build your list for you by placing your capture pages on it. Every one knows that the money is in the list.
TheDownliner Advertising System Review How does it Work
When you first start off with theDownliner it is going to cost you around 10 dollars a month to get started. Now this will give you 3000 views on the Coop advertising system. If you double that to 20 a month you get 6500 views. So you get an extra 500 views. Not bad. Where it get’s really interesting and a really good deal is the yearly packages.
(40% BONUS POINTS!)$110.00
- 2:1 Point Ratio
- 30% Commissions
- 15 Campaigns Limit
- Custom Pages
- Profile Rotator
- TDL Machine Access
- Random Referrals
- Social Posting
- AutoResponder Integration
(104% BONUS POINTS!)$217.00
- 1:1 Point Ratio
- 30% Commissions
- 30 Campaigns Limit
- Custom Pages
- Profile Rotator
- TDL Machine Access
- Random Referrals
- Social Posting
- AutoResponder Integration
Thousands of Free Advertising Views
Being a cheapskate and knowing a deal I jumped on the yearly plan. I took the 110 a year deal at first and when my earnings increased I grabbed the Serious Marketer Plan. I am now getting thousands and thousands of views to my business with theDownliner. My lists are building and my income is growing all because of this amazing Coop. It is the best program one can ever join if used properly.
Like anything you must take advantage of all the great tools to promote. If you have a Website for example place the Network logo on your front page to get referrals and earn free advertising credits. This is the key to theDownliner is to make commission money and then to convert it back into free advertising. So where do they advertise? The question should be where do they not advertise.
Where does theDownliner Advertise
So just where does theDownliner advertise? Pretty much everywhere on the Internet. Social sites, Traffic exchanges, heck the even advertise on twitter. How cool is that. The Downliner is a program that advertises your link to 15,803 Sites. It will deliver to 6,000 Exchanges. Banner ads/ Text ads / Campaign ads / Login ads and many more. They provide unique user only or they give you free view to your site. Your website is viewed by human clicks.
You also can post ads at Twitter without your social account. The Downliner is a traffic exchange coop that ultimately generates traffic to your websites. It is one of the latest breakthroughs in coop advertising and serves as an efficient and effective way of promoting while generating passive income for all members.
So what is my Honest Opinion
Well I have to say that I am using this program all the time and I love it. It is one of the few programs on the internet I like for advertising. First of all it is easy to use and it’s free for me. I mean what can you say. Other reasons I like theDownliner so much is that you can forget about it. I didn’t even look at the program for weeks after I set it up. When I wanted to go take a look one day I even forgot the name of it. After I finally figured it out and logged in low and behold I had earned commission money and had referrals.
Wow, I was making money online. Not only that my business QuickSilver was building up a great customer base and new leads daily. I mean daily. The QuickSilver home business has a mailer system built into it and I can mail these new leads every three days promoting. What a great combination and I am really exited about the future with all this great
free advertising.
all the best