SecondSplash FREE Unlimited Viral Traffic System
Okay, so where to start? What exactly is SecondSplash.com? If you have seen it on the Internet lately you probably think it’s a Splash Page builder. Well it is but it is also a unlimited Viral Traffic system. As well as an unlimited income builder which is kind of cool don’t you think. An all in one package for internet marketing. Best of all you can access it free.
SecondSplash.com is a splash page builder that makes it easy for even the most technically challenged to create a compelling splash page.
A splash page is a company’s introduction to their website. It’s not a landing page, but rather a large window that is used to promote a service or product, announce a promotion. It delivers necessary information, before a user is able to enter the site. It reviews the rest of the site’s pages. A typical splash page will usually be displayed in its entirety above the fold. That is, the area in a visitor’s browser that is viewable without having to scroll down.
SecondSplash.com uses a simple 3 step system to help members create splash pages.
- Members choose a background image from over 60 categories, all hosted by SecondSplash.com on their content delivery network. Pro members have the ability to upload their own background images to the network or import it from a web address (URL)
- Edit a text placeholder with a message you want your splash page to convey, move it to where you want it displayed on the background image and specify the color you want it in.
- Give your splash page a short descriptive name, and where visitors must go when they click on it and publish.
SecondSplash Unlimited Viral Traffic System
Once published, the member receives a splash page link that they can enter into traffic exchanges and anywhere else they want to promote it. Once such a splash page link is viewed, we get to see where the name Second Splash comes in.
This is rather imaginative. Rather than just displaying the splash page you created, 2 splash pages are displayed next to each other. Under each other when viewed on a smaller device such as a mobile phone. The splash page belonging to the link owner will be displayed on the right hand side. And another splash page will be displayed on the left. The splash page on the left/bottom will be a random splash page that belongs to the person who referred the owner of the splash page link. However, only 50% of the time will the left/top splash page belong to the sponsor. The other 50% of time when a splash page link is followed, the left/top splash page will be long to a random pro member. (more on pro features later)

Readers who are sharp will quickly notice this is a fresh way of getting a lot of traffic without effort by either referring a lot of members to their downline or subscribing to the pro membership.
Talking about referrals, every time a splash page is viewed, the affiliate link of both the right side splash owner as well as the affiliate link of the left side splash owner is also embedded into the page, making this a very interesting concept to study as far as passive marketing is concerned. Not only is your affiliate link promoted when you promote your splash page links, but also when members in your downline promote theirs. This sets a snowball effect in motion whereby the people you refer will promote your splash pages and affiliate link, which will lead to more people signing up under you, which leads to more of your splash pages and affiliate link being shown and around and around it goes. Just this feature alone should make it an easy choice for newbiews as I can’t think of an easier way to get new signups into a program.
SecondSplash Unlimited Viral Traffic System
At the time of their launch, a pro membership will cost you $24 a month, or you can get 2 months free with an annual membership for $240. There is also a lifetime option available. As a free member you will earn 25% commission for every subscriber and as a pro member that goes up to 50%, so as a pro member, you need 2 subscribers to effectively get your own pro subscription free.
With the viral way this system is set up to auto-promote your affiliate link, getting two pro referrals to essentially make your own pro membership free, should be a cinch. Here, it should be noted, they have a fast action bonus, only available for 3 days after you join that really adds a lot to your membership. A big selling point for the fast action bonus is the ability to also use SecondSplash.com to create capture pages.
If you miss out on the fast action bonus, you can get it later as an add-on at a much higher price, however, even with the higher priced add-on you will not get everything available through the fast action bonus, so be aware of that if it is the route you want to go.
- Create up to 20 (30 with fast action bonus) simultaneous campaigns (Free members are restricted to 3 campaigns)
- Pause campaigns
- See click through rates on your campaigns. Click rates are recorded for free members as well, but only become available once they reach pro status.
- See where your clicks are coming from
- See where your referrals are coming from
- Get detailed analytics, charts and reports
- Customize your splash designs with 8 fonts (12 if you grab the fast action bonus)
- Customize your splash designs with 2 text placeholders (Free members get one)
- Customize your splash designs with text outlining
- Get double the commission free members get
- Have your campaigns (and affiliate link) promoted by the entire membership.
- Message your downline any time without having to earn credits
- Get access to analytical insights without having to earn credits
SecondSplash Unlimited Viral Traffic System
With regards to this last pro benefit, they have a section on your back-office where you can see the top five splash pages getting the most clicks. This is the top 5 among the entire membership, not just your own account. This is an especially nice feature as it allows you to inspect the winning campaigns to model your own campaigns after it. This feature is available to free members as well, but in order to get access they must first earn 15 credits by viewing 15 splash pages belonging to pro members.
SecondSplash.com is a novel idea that will appeal to new and seasoned marketers alike. The top 5 campaigns feature is stroke of genius, creating equal opportunity for free and promembers alike to create winning campaigns and the referral system will set a new standard for viral marketing and passive income.
Referral System
Top 5 Analytics
Free members are limited to 3 campaigns.
I think it is clear from this review, I could not really fault the system. While seasoned marketers will knock this out of the ballpark, newbies will find it hard to find an easier system to refer other members, so it is a win for all. Two Thumbs Up…Go grab it.