Get Paid while growing your following on Instagram
Get PAID To Grow Your Following on Instagram one of the largest and fastest growing social sites on the planet. Earn great money with the IG Money tree program. And I might add it is absolutely free. You just enter your Instagram id and give the IG Money tree away. You make great commissions if someone decides they want to join the money making opportunity. Easy as falling off a giant pumpkin to make money online.
There are a few easy and simple steps to get started using the ig money tree. First step is to of course join Instagram. Second step is to get your free IG Money Tree. After you join these 2 free programs you simply promote the money tree on all your social sites. Pretty simple really and you will build a fast and furious following on the IG social site.
Easy Step to get going
ACTION STEP 1: Add your new website link above to your Instagram profile right now, like the following example – and you can even use the same bio (ad) shown, if you’d like.

IMPORTANT: Note that your IGMT website link has to be added to the “Website” field of your IG page’s profile in order to make it live and “clickable.”

Note: All action steps are optional but you should complete as many of them as you can for maximal results. Some action steps can be done MULTIPLE times for even better results.
Step 2 to set up your IG Money Tree
ACTION STEP 2: On a regular basis (once or twice per week) create and post memes to your IG page that “plug” your IGMoneyTree viral website. Watch the video provided to see how easy it is (KIDS post memes on IG – you can too!). Post as often as you’re comfortable with. Remember, you’re doing your followers a favor by letting them know about IGMoneyTree. They’ll very likely love it just as much as you do.
Note: All action steps are optional but you should complete as many of them as you can for maximal results. Some action steps can be done MULTIPLE times for even better results.
Step 3 to Build your Following
ACTION STEP 3: IGMoneyTree.com appeals to a HUGE audience. Anybody and everybody who wishes to grow their social media presence for themselves or for their businesses. If you have a spam-free permission-based list of email subscribers, feel free to blast out the email ad they created for you to your subscriber base.
Above here in the menu bar at Advertise Free on the Internet you will find a great solo ad link. Join these free solo ad sites and take advantage of the free offers. You will be able to get going easily with the free money tree by taking advantage of the free hp solo ads. Thousands of members will be taking a look.
Before you run out and spend hundreds promoting your new Instagram money making program try the free ones. Free is always a great way to promote a free program after all.
Inside the Money Tree
Once you sign up to the ig money tree you are going to find a ton of suggestions on how to promote it. It is super easy to set up and once your website is on your Instagram you can simply message other members to promote it. Who after all doesn’t want an automated income machine running viral on there social platforms.
So what are you waiting for. Start building a huge following on one of the fastest growing social sites. Promote your Money Tree from IG and start making some free extra cash. And by the way you can make a ton. There is a program called Club Monster Mode. This program has the Money Tree built right into it along with many others. An absolutely fantastic funnel created by Steve Ayling a long time internet marketer. You can can get funnel free also. Don’t you just love all this free stuff.
The path to success on the internet lies ahead. Take Action today!

Hey its Brent here from advertise free on the internet. I am always on the outlook for great free programs where you can make some money online. The IG Money tree is a very cool program which is totally free to join. If you like Instagram and you have a following simply place it in your bio.
I hope you bookmark my blog and come back often to check out what’s new and how you can make some moola online absolutely free. If I can make a few bucks then you can too. Just follow my easy plan on how to be a cheapskate and use the free internet. Heck you don’t even have to buy a computer, just head down to your local free WiFi station.
all the best
the King of Traffic