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2024 Samoa Year of the Dragon Silver Coins

2024 Samoa Year of the Dragon Silver Coins


Well Folks another Year has flown by and we were all hoping inflation was being tames. Bad News today as the inflation report for Oct, 2024 came out! Higher than expected. Also everything around us does not seem to be getting any cheaper. It’s time to start thinking about Silver to protect our wealth. Introducing the 2024 Samoa Year of the Dragon Silver Coins.

Gold and Silver have been a hedge against inflation since time immoral so why should this time be any different. Why choose the 2024 Samoa Year of the Dragon 1/2 oz Silver?

This stunning 1/2 oz Silver coin issued by Samoa and struck by The Scottsdale Mint is a great way to celebrate 2024, the Year of the Dragon!

Bold Design:

The reverse features a dragon of the Chinese zodiac appears next to the Chinese symbol for the same with the words “2024 Year of the Dragon” inscribed below.

The obverse features the coat of arms of the island nation of Samoa along with the year and denomination.

Don’t miss out, order the 2024 Samoa Year of the Dragon 1/2 oz Silver for your collection today!

2024 Samoa Year of the Dragon Silver Coins

2024 Samoa Year of the Dragon Silver Coins


The year 2012 is ruled by the Dragon. The Dragon personality is the ultimate ‘doer.’ It tackles everything with fiery enthusiasm. The Dragon is extremely loyal to its loved ones and will come to the rescue every time. Right or wrong, forget about steering a Dragon away from a disastrous situation – duty calls! The Dragon may have a big ego and demanding ways, but it inspires everyone it comes into contact with. This magical character is too captivating to resist.

The Year of the Dragon also ruled 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, and 2000. 

If you were born in the Year of the Dragon great luck can be drawn into your life by owning good omens from the universe. One of these good omens is Silver. Like Gold, Silver is a rare element which draws in power from the universe. Much like gemstones and other natural elements. Chinese culture has always sought to retain wealth through precious metals. And I might add many other cultures of the world has sought Gold and Silver.

2024 Samoa Year of the Dragon Silver Coins

You can start a great auto buy plan with Quick Silver. What is your goal? Do you wish to buy and save precious metals such as Silver to build wealth? Silver can be sold anywhere for cash in minutes. Bring your silver in and throw it on the table, next thing you know there is cash in your hand. With Gold and Silver coins you can sell them anywhere on the planet fast and easy. This is what makes coins like the Year of the Dragon series so valuable as a wealth saver.

Start your Own Home Business selling Silver Coins

Check out the Quick Silver Home Business Opportunity

Five Keys To Success
If you are an experienced networker then you probably already have your Daily Method of Operation
(DMO) to a science. You know what works for you and you have your routine down. However, most
people are not experienced networkers.
Beginners often come in excited and then get overwhelmed. So how does a beginner become a master?
Easy. Take it one step at a time.
Here are 5 keys to finding your DMO that will produce the money you are looking for.

1. Determine when you will work your home business.

We all have busy lives, but if we look at our daily routines we will find time. It could be as little as 30
minutes a day.
In fact, a recent study by the RAND Corporation determined that people on average have 5 hours of free
time a day. So where was this free time found? The study went on to find that most people spend this free
time watching television, movies, YouTube, social media, etc.
Determine how much time you can dedicate to working your business and at what time of day. Commit to
a schedule of doing this. It is proven that people who set a reminder for themselves for when to work
their business are more successful at keeping their commitment to it.

Check out the Quick Silver Home Business Opportunity

2. You don’t have to know everything to be successful.

There is a saying by Dr. Ivan Misner, “Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice.”
Why is that?
I was once speaking to a highly successful network marketer and he would tell me when he spoke with
people and they would ask something like “how does this commission work?” He would tell them, “I don’t
know exactly. I just refer people and I get paid… a LOT!”
If you are excited about what you do and believe in it then you will draw in people who want to be excited
like you.

3. Fear is the #1 killer of dreams.

I come from a family full of worriers. Like Chicken Little level of worriers. As a result I grew up with anxiety
issues to say the least. Luckily I have managed to overcome those issues for the most part.
There are a couple sayings that come to mind when I feel fear creep in. One is, “A comfort zone is a
beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.”
The other is religious. Romans 8:31 “…If God is for us, then who can be against us?”
Copyright 2020 © Quick Silver Global, LLC – Posted March 11 th 2020
Five Keys
To Success
Fear is paralyzing. It will make you second guess EVERYTHING.
The moment your desire to achieve more exceeds your fear, that is when it all changes.
So NEVER let fear dictate to you how your life should be. You will be amazed at what you can do and how
easy it becomes when you let go of fear.

Check out the Quick Silver Home Business Opportunity

4. Set Goals.

Maybe you have a goal in mind to make $500 in your first 60 days. Or you set a goal to contact 10 people
a day. Whatever the goal write it down and put it in a place where you can see it every day.
This is affirmation. It is a constant reminder of what you promised to yourself that you would do.
Want to make it even more motivational? Include why you want to meet this goal. Maybe it is for a trip
with your friends or maybe it is for your family… put a picture of them next to your statement.

5. The fortune is in the follow up.

So let’s say you either reached out to people you know or contacted people from a list of leads. If you
don’t follow up with them then you are most likely not going to be successful.
Believe it or not I don’t just preach these things, I have done them.
When I first started out in the network marketing/home business arena I would take a leads list and would
call through the list. I would write a note next to each person I called. I would wright something like…
Dec 3 @ 2pm – LM [left message]….
Or, Dec 3 @ 2:05pm – Spoke to Karen. Sent email. CB [call back] Dec 4 @ noon

Check out the Quick Silver Home Business Opportunity

I would call as many people as I could for the 1 hour I had and then set reminders to follow up. The next
day I would start by going back over the list and calling those I left messages for the day before and
making my follow up calls.
For tips on making calls and following up with people see the Training PDF, Tips For Calling Leads.
Remember, you are a part of Quick Silver because you wanted to make your life even better. Your
determination is what makes all the difference in your success


A great home business to enter right now is Precious Metals. Walk into any Shop and I bet you it will be busy. Now you can get your own home business with a complete set of marketing tools including a website. Also you don’t have to worry about collecting commissions because the system does it for you.

Check out the Quick Silver Home Business Opportunity

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