What is the Best Free Safelist
A great way to advertise free on the internet is using a Safelist. If you don’t know what a Safelist is my friends well it’s a mailer. What you do is join free, click on some ads, get some credits for clicking, enter your link and post. It really is that easy. So What is the Best Free Safelist? Good question you just asked and I will try to answer your question the best I can.
I Think the best way to approach this is to show you two mailers. One for free and one you got to pay. I joined both and honestly I can say there isn’t much difference in response. Actually sometimes I think the one that works best is the free mailer.
The Mailer is called List Surfing and is created by Darren Orlander a well known and talented Internet Marketer and Site creator. He has created numerous sites and I use them a lot and they produce a ton of traffic. One of his sites is a paid monthly site that can bring you a lot of traffic. Anyways let’s stay focused on the free site List Surfing. I just wanted to give you a little background on it.
What is the Best Free Safelist
The reason I like List Surfing it is both a Safelist and a Traffic Exchange combined together. I have never seen another advertising site out there like it. If you have please leave a comment and let me know. Just visit List Surfing click on some ads either using the mailer or the traffic exchange and you got yourself a ton of exposure. Darren has many, many members on his sites so your ads will get seen. I know mine do because I get signups to my autoresponder.
Safelists are a great way to build lists by the way and if you are building your own lists you should be using them. You owe it to yourself if you are an aspiring internet marketer to take a look and sign up to get yourself a ton of free advertising. Also be sure to check out Darren’s other free advertising sites. He has some great ones. You can find them once you sign up free with List Surfing.
What is the Best Paid Safelist
Well now that we took a look at the best free mailer let’s take a look at what I think is the best paid mailer. This mailer is called 100percentclicks and it is also produced by a leader in the advertising field. Frank Salinas has created many advertising sites in his time and all these members are internet marketers looking at affiliate programs, and other marketing offers. Your ads will definitely get seen when you join the 100percentmailer. The reason this site is my best pick for a paid mailer is there is no monthly fee. I really liked that because other mailers you have to pay every month which sucks.

For less than 100 bucks you can get this awesome mailer for life and mail with it every day to 1000 members. That my friends is 30000 views a month or even better over 300000 views per year. Talk about a ton of views on a top notch advertising site and once you pay it’s free for life. That is why I joined and invested because it was the best and still is the best deal anywhere. There are a ton of crappy mailers out there that charge you monthly fees and they don’t compare in quality to 100percentmailer.
Well folks in my opinion those are the best free and the best paid options for Safelist Mailers on the internet today. Tomorrow might change and if it does I will be sure to let you know. In the meantime click on the banners above and take a look.