Viral Affiliate Program to Pull in Tons of Free Advertising
There are many so called ways to pull in lot’s of free advertising but the king of them all is go viral. Automate your advertising and your online income streams with automation. Set it up and forget about it is the new wave of working on the internet. There is a great new program out there called My Viral Affiliate. A great program to advertise all your sites on one platform and then promote them virally.
Read on and I will explain how the system works. First and foremost it is a free and easy system to get set up. All your favorite programs you are promoting will be shown right on the front page. Of course if you do the upgrades your programs will be shown across all the free members pages and all of their members also. This goes on and on into the infinite displaying your businesses as it grows. Cool or what!
Not only does the Viral Affiliate display your sites they will also display all your banners and text ads as well. Hence the name Viral Affiliate. All this adds up to a ton of free advertising and also a great extra income for you online entrepreneurs on a tight budget. Let’s take a look under the hood and see a little the way this platform runs.
Member Testimonials
It’s always a good idea to get some actual users to tell their experiences with the product. Much like buying something on Ebay it is always wise to read what others think. Below are some members of the Viral Affiliates thoughts on the program.
Wow, I am blown away by the features of this amazing site. Same script as some but dont be fooled by that. What a revelation inside. Easy to set up and use. View any member’s site to see what they love and everybody will be able to see yours too. Referrals are shown your banners and text ads and they will be easy to get to all of your favourite programs when you start using your page. Free members get excellent benefits but, of course, going pro is always best. Check it out now. See you inside.
Diane Cooke (aka Vixen)
‘The coolest site I have joined in a long time. A site worth promoting. Not many other site give your links this much exposure to your referrals. My referrals always see my latest links. I highly recommend everyone to join and create your own page at MyViralAffiliateSite.com’ Beverly Stellar |
Creator of Viral Affiliate
Phil is a professional internet graphic designer who will build you your own membership site. He is a pro and aside from building you a site he has created the Viral Affiliate as his own special favorite. The Viral Affiliate is run by a internet pro and when you join you can count on professional management. People are paying Phil thousands of dollars to get him to build them a membership site. You can get this one completely free and start making money online today.
Additional Information
”You know how most marketers struggle online, jumping from one opportunity to the next & never build a lasting business? Phil solves this for you!
He does this by designing professional advertising membership sites. I can assure you it will be the right step forward for your continuing success online.He is here to help so please feel free to contact him with any questions.
Be sure to follow on social sites for tips & resources.
Get started & order a site today!”
Please Contact Me if you have any questions.Phil @ CustomMembershipSites.com
As you can see Phil the creator of Viral Affiliate is there to help you succeed online. It’s great to know that a pro has got your back. It can be daunting when first starting out online but Viral Affiliate makes it a breeze and is super easy to plug in and start playing immediately! No complicated internet knowledge needed. Anyone can use this great set and forget viral platform.

Reasons to go Viral
Top #5 Reasons why you need a
MyViralAffiliateSite.com profile page
and the benefits that it will bring you:
1: Promote Your Top #10 Affiliate
Programs with ONE Site!
2: Personalised Affiliate Links &
Banners Page like this one!
3: Promote Your Website/Blog,
Facebook & Twitter Pages!
4: Earn Advertising Credits and
promote to all members!
5: Tons of Cool Advertising &
Training Features in the Members Area!
As you can see there are lot’s of great reasons to join me at the Viral Affiliate site. Brand yourself also using this site by placing a nice phot of yourself smiling to the world. Get people to know who you are. Everyone want’s to interact with someone who is just a regular Joe online. There are so many scams going on people want to relate to a regular down to earth fellow entrepreneur. Many people have been people have been disappointed with many useless programs which makes the Viral Affiliate a shining star.
Promote your Business
If you already have a business online in any niche and want to promote it more the Viral Affiliate is a great program to do that. You can say in confidence that anyone who joins the program will be or is currently looking for ways to make money online. Why else would they be there? This puts you in the drivers seat if you happened to take the upgrade. As people join below you things start to grow.
Soon after you have only a few members on your team it is in their interest to grow their teams also. After all they joined to get advertising to their business. While they are building their teams they will also be advertising your business. Viral Affiliate is a very well run site and once you become a member you should have no problem getting new associates. Just advertise at your local favorite spots on the Traffic Exchanges and Safelists and your list should start to grow fast.
Once your lists start to grow you can advertise to them in other ways also like solo ads. Yes you read that correctly as the memberships get’s bigger you have the options to send off your solo ads. Viral Affiliates has everything you could ever need to succeed online.
Promote all your Businesses
Do you have more than one business? Have you been frustrated trying to promote separate businesses and trying to stay organized. It’s a snap to promote all your businesses on one simple page with the Viral Associate. Keep everything organized and get all your businesses to start growing virally also. Who is not looking for a simple and easy way to keep everything you do online organized. How many times have you signed up to something and forgot about it a few weeks or months later. Worst yet lost you information.
Now its easy to keep everything you are doing online on one simple page and promote everything together. If someone joins your Free Viral Affiliate page chances are very high that they will also be signing up to one of your displayed programs also. It is easy to imagine the true power in this awesome viral network.
What are you waiting for? Take action right now and grab your free Viral Associate program. It just might change your whole way of promoting online.
to Prosperity
king of traffic