make money online
Show me the Easiest Way to Make Money Online

Show me the Easiest Way to Make Money Online


If you are an internet newbie or even a seasoned pro for that matter new advertising programs that work are always important. Also programs with great tools to make those programs work for you. You probably are asking the question show me the easiest way to make money online. After all is there any easy ways or is everything complicated and impossible. Well today I am going to show you how easy it really is to make money online using the right tools.

Show me the Easy Way

I sent an email to my subscribers asking…

“What is the #1 problem you’re facing in your business that’s holding you back?”
I received a ton of replies, so I thought I’d answer them all at once. The #1 problem is that it has been 3 years now on this journey and I have not earned any money. This may seem like the obvious answer, but the truth is…Too many people buy product after product and never implement what they learn.
It’s also true that there is a lot of bad information out there that leads you in the wrong direction; no wonder so many people are frustrated. So let me point you in the right direction. All you really need to make 💰 online is…

  1. A high-converting product to promote in a niche market that has a
    super-high demand to a wide audience. Hint: it’s TRAFFIC!
  2. A sales funnel to capture leads and send them to your affiliate offer.
  3. An autoresponder to store and follow up your leads.
  4. Traffic. Once you have the first 3 set up, your only job is to drive traffic into
    your funnel (I’ll get to that later).
  5. Tweak and Test your funnel and follow up to increase conversions (more on
    that later as well). Let’s move on to the next reply… I don’t have money to invest in traffic.
    You can get traffic for free by joining safelists and traffic exchanges or posting on Facebook, but you have to invest a lot of time to make that work. Using free traffic is a hard road to follow. In fact, I’ve been sending email through several safelists every day just to test the traffic. I get a lot of clicks,

Show me the Easy Way

Well if you have read this far you have the basics to get started today in your new internet marketing career. To make thing really simple let’s break things down and take you to the first program you should be joining which is totally free by the way to get the tools you need. This program is called LeadsLeap. With this program you can lean all about how to get traffic, build your own list and how to build your own capture pages. In each section you will find an easy to follow tutorial on how to use the tools. All this is free to use.

By the way with LeadsLeap you can place three business ads for free and to get traffic you only have to click on ten ads to get activated. This only takes a few minutes to get your free traffic flowing. Thousands of members visit this platform daily and your ads will be seen. Signup today and get free traffic for life.

Show me the Easy Way

So now you have the best program online to get your tools, learning and traffic the question is now what should you promote? Well in my humble opinion a simple traffic program with no monthly fees and great marketing tools works quite well. I mean after all anyone clicking on free traffic sites is probably not going to buy anything so your aim should be in list building. Give them something they will sign up to so you can get them on your list. Once on your list your chances of making a sale grow because you can send them your offers over and over again. Most people read their emails mainly because they are looking for ways to make money online.

So there are a million different programs floating around out there on the internet that promise riches. I won’t bore you with them and just recommend one that I think is simple and easy to do and what many people are looking for. Simply put a list building program. One that you can join for a low one time payment and not pay any monthly fees. This will give you a free advertising platform and a program with pre written emails and capture pages.

These tools are important because you can just plug them into your new LeadsLeap autoresponder in seconds. Once plugged in anyone that put’s in their email address will be send a fully automated sales follow up. This is important because it takes most people more than once before they will commit to a buy. Well what is this program so you can decide for yourself? It is called ListInfinity! Take a tour and be sure to check out the back office and the amazing tools you can use.

List Infinity is great because you can start off with the entry fee payment and as you build your new business work your way up. Like any business the higher levels you achieve the more you will earn. Simple stuff right! By the way did I mention you get paid instantly when you get a signup. You gotta like that. Anyways you owe it to yourself if you are looking for an internet business to take a tour and check it out for yourself. Click on the Banner to look around.


Making some money for yourself doesn’t have to be that complicated especially if you can start off with just a simple easy method. Start out slow and join a program that is free and will give you tutorials as you progress. Life is for learning after all. Also you don’t have anything to lose if you join a program like Leads Leap. After all free is free right, no catches. Take your time and learn.

All you need after all is some basic tools and a way to implement them. After you progress you can move on to different advertising platforms that you can invest in. Spend some money on these once you start making money. After all the more traffic coming to your capture pages the more sales you will make. With List Infinity your list will grow larger faster because it is a viral pass up system. The money is in the list so this must be your goal. Build that list, it is your path to online success.

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