Review Viral Lightning Free Income System
Hey fellow income seekers it’s King of Traffic here and I would like to share this new income and list building program I stumbled across. It’s called Viral Lightning. Sot let us review Viral Lightning free income system and list builder. That’s right this program also builds your list on steroids while making you cash. Cool or what!
Not only do you get a straight up F.R.E.E
viral website…
Not only is it hosted for f.r.e.e…
Not only can it make you unlimited cash…
It ALSO has a genius built-in viral
referral system…
Which has the power to turn just ONE
visitor into tens, hundreds, or even
thousands more…
Meaning unlimited potential income
for YOU on actual autopilot once you
get the ball rolling.
Click here to claim your FREE site
Viral Lightning Explained
So I joined Viral Lightning because I was really impressed with the developer of this site. He did a bang up job and made is super easy to use. Anyone can do it. No money, no worries! This program is absolutely free and also it comes with a sister program called the 3Hour Cash Machine.
After you sign up free and get your funnel you can start promoting it. Viral Lightning is the very first program to join to get the ball rolling so to speak. So I signed up because it’s free and you got nothing to lose. To activate Viral Lightning there are two options. Sign up 4 new players or pay 12 dollars to activate Viral Lightning. I chose the free method and signed up 4 new members in just a few days. All it takes is 4 members and you can unlock an amazing income machine.
When you unlock Viral Lightning it will take you to Warrior Plus where you can join free and connect the Easy Income program. You get Easy Traffic Builder FREE when you activate Viral Lightning. Easy Traffic Builder pays you every time some one upgrades or buys it through through Viral Lightning site! Are you still with me? I will explain it a little better.
Once you are activated all the members below you will be building your Viral Lightning List for you. As of today after only a week or so I now have 12 members under me. These members are all out trying to recruit 4 free members so they can activate this amazing income program. Now all their free members will be promoting the first activated member above them. Which is me.
How cool is that and I got this income program ball rolling all for free.
So How do you Build your own List
Ok this is where the 3Hour Cash Machine really shines. Inside the system you are going to find Leads Leap. This amazing advertising system is also free and you can connect it with the 3Hour Cash Machine to build you very own list, FREE. Are you following. Anyone can sign up free, get activated free in the Viral Lightning program and also build your very own list just by promoting the 3Hour Cash Machine. Watch the Video to see how this all comes together.
Not only can you do all of the above for free you can also add two of your own programs into the system and promote them through the new email list your building. Along with the funnel you are going to get. All for free I might add.
I hope now you can see why I think this system is amazing and a great way to build an online business. Did I mention the programs all come with a compete training series along with ways on how to promote your funnel both with paid and free advertising. There are some amazing traffic sites right here on Advertise Free on the Internet so be sure to use them. Find free and paid programs to get your new business off to a flying start. Take Action Today.