Review of the Traffic Zipper Multi Safelist Blaster
I just joined this really cool program so I thought about writing a short review and letting you know my thoughts. Is that how you spell a thought? Anyways this program rocks. You can mail over 30 top safe-lists in one go. So far this program has been super cool and first blast is getting me leads and signups on my email list.
Traffic Zipper and how it works
The Traffic Automation Report. Simple Traffic That’s Amazingly Effective. Safelist traffic has been around for eons and many people think they are a waste of time and effort. One of the reasons for this is you have to click on hundreds of ads. That is of course unless you dish out a lot of dough and upgrade. Well my friends those days are gone. I just joined Traffic Zipper and blasted my first emai to the safe-lists. The signups are already rolling in and I am very happy.
Of course I upgraded so it is an investment but well worth the money. There is a free option where you can mail two lists which makes things quite easy. Two lists are easy to handle and easy to keep the credits high. There is a tool you can get when you join the Zipper. They will send it to you in an offer. Being the Red Kneck that I am and always looking to get out of hard work I grapped it. Boy am I glad I did. You can run it on your gmail where your Safe-Lists are stored and the software reads them for you. LOL, now I am getting free credits.
Anyways enough about that and let’s get back to the Zipper.
List Builders get results
Ask anyone who uses them the right way.You’ll get a very positive response. You’ll probably find that for many people, it’s one of their favorite types of traffic.
List Builders are far less work than most conventional traffic methods. They yield
incredible results. And can net you immediate traffic. Something we all love!
Truth Is, Once You’ve Tried A Few Sites And Realize Their Value, You’ll Want To
Use More And More Of These Awesome Tools.
But you have to consider that each new traffic stream will add to your overall “work” and once you start using many sites every single day, it can become a bit of a drag. You’ll need to keep your concentration to avoid costly mistakes. You will have to log into different List Builders, compose your ads and send them out to prospects. A lot of work if you have many safe-lists. There is a better and easier way.
It could wind up taking you a couple of hours (or more), to get all of your emails sent. Still time well spent for sure. But personally, I don’t care one bit for monotonous, repetitive tasks. I’d rather spend my time doing real marketing work growing my business and creating new Funnels. That’s just me, but I’m guessing you might feel the same way.
Finally I Found a Quicker Way
Spending a lot of time each and every day lining up ads was driving me mad so I glad I stumbled upon a new tool. That tool is now being used by over 5k raving fans, and has become the “missing link” to maximum profits from these secret traffic streams. That tool is Traffic Zipper.
What the Developer has to say
Traffic Zipper was originally developed for my own sanity, but once I shared it
with a few friends and partners the feedback was phenomenal!
I knew it could potentially be a killer product so I put in more work, added a host
of new features and developed it into a product specifically for the busy Internet

With its unique features it allows you to mail through 30 different List Builders
(and growing), all at once from the push of a button.
It literally takes just a few minutes to set up, and its power must be seen to be
Traffic Zipper achieves all of this by storing your login details for each List Builder
in a highly secure database. Using a customized script, it automatically logs into
each site with your own credentials and determines if your account is due for a
Everything is presented to you via a simple interface in the Traffic Zipper back
office, which allows you to compose an email and send it to the List Builders of
your choice in just a matter of seconds.
Since Traffic Zipper launched in 2009, the World’s top marketing professionals
have gone crazy for it, and it’s had some awesome reviews.
It’s even been called a ‘Marketers Dream’!

You’ll no longer have to log into each site individually, and over a few weeks you
could be saving many hours. Which will free up more of your time to build your
business using other techniques.
You can now do the same job as before but in just a fraction of the time!
In the ‘List Builder Secrets’ report we recommended promoting List Builders to
build your downlines and generate extra traffic.
That piece of advice still applies but you can now achieve the same results by
promoting your Traffic Zipper affiliate link instead of each List Builder individually.
If you refer a member into Traffic Zipper they will be presented with your affiliate
links for each of the List Builders you’re a member with.
Well there you have it in a nustshell and like I mentioned before I joined this program Free. After trying it out for a short while I was hooked. This is the best thing I have ever stumbled upon for getting traffic. It is so easy to use and a ton of fun also. Try it out it’s free to join and give a go.
How about you? Is your method of getting traffic working? Let us know we would love to hear about your trafic methods.
all the best
alias the King of Traffic