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Review of List Infinity How to Make Money

Review of List Infinity How to Make Money


We have all heard it so many times. The money is in the list. Check out List Infinity an awesome listbuilder that builds lists fast. Try this system out completely free. Read on below to all the cool tools and features that come with this amazing List Builder. Let’s do a review of List Infinity and how to make money with it.

  • Connect your autoresponder. AWeber is recommended because all of the emails in the 30-day campaign are automatically merged with your referral link and email signature. If you use GetResponse, Leads Leap, or Traffic Wave, you’ll need to add the follow-ups manually.
  • Customize Your bridge page. After someone opts into your email list, they will land on your bridge page. You can edit the text and add your photo or you can skip straight to the sales page.
  • Import Your Email Campaign. If you use AWeber, you can easily import the 30-day email campaign and add a Global Snippet that will merge your affiliate link and your signature.
  • Select Payment Options. The system allows you to add multiple payment options including Credit Card, PayPal, Cash App, Venmo, Zelle, and more.
  • Activate Your Income Streams. There are five income streams that are integrated into the system: Quick Funnels, AWeber, Leads Leap, Udimi, and Click Magick. You only need to sign up for the free affiliate programs and enter your affiliate links.
  • Add Your Affiliate Offers. You can add unlimited offers for programs that you promote and they will be displayed when your referrals click on the Highly Recommended tab.
  • Add Your Tracking Pixels. If you want to track conversions on leads and sales, you can add tracking pixels from any tracking service. We recommend Click Magick.

Complete System Setup

Build Your Email List

Click “Lead Capture Pages” and get your link to one of the pages that will capture leads and add them to your email list. The system will automatically follow up with your subscribers and generate sales for you. And you can promote any offer you want to your list to make even more money!

Every 5th lead that your referrals generate passes up to you. So, you get 20% of all the leads that your referrals generate. And those leads are added directly to your email list. The more people you refer, the faster your list will grow!

Review of List Infinity by King of Traffic

Review of List Infinity How to Make Money

Step Three: Get Paid Instantly!

If you’re a Free member, you will be paid $25 your first sale only. Additional sales will be passed up to your sponsor unless you upgrade. Payment will be sent instantly to your account!

If you’re a Starter member, you will be paid $25 for every person you refer who also upgrades to the Starter Level. Payments are sent instantly to your account!

If one of your referrals signs up as a Free Member, and they refer someone who upgrades to Starter, the sale will be passed up to you!

If you’re a Pro member, you will be paid $25 for Starter level referrals and $100 for Pro level referrals!

If you’re an Elite member, you will be paid $25 for Starter level referrals and $100 for Pro level referrals, and $300 for Elite members!

Plus, your referrals will pass up every 5th lead to you. And if they upgrade, you get paid up to $300!

Ready to make some money?

Let’s rock this!


List Infinity just might be the best List Builder of the year. Try it out completely free.

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