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Pure Silver Coin Year of the Snake 2025

Pure Silver Coin Year of the Snake 2025


If you are interested in stacking Silver now is the time. Gold and Silver is on the rise for a lot of reasons. Now if you are interested in Stacking Silver for yourself or your family QuickSilver is a great choice. Now you can get a pure silver coin Year of the Snake 2025 limited edition coin.

year of the snake pure silver coin

Silver coins are a great hobby and over time gain value in price. Unlike Gold which is quickly becoming unaffordable for most silver is still a great deal. Why not save and preserve your hard earned money as it slowly disintegrates into worthless paper. Let’s face it all you have to do is walk into any store these days and your cash is quickly becoming trash. Not so with silver and gold. There value is not so much rising it is the fact that the fiat cash is falling. Call this inflation if you will.

While most of us cannot afford much these days like housing, cars and fancy vacations silver is still cheap. The price of silver was 50 dollars ways back in the 1980s. What does that tell you. Can you think of anything that is cheaper now than it was back then? Probably not. If you want to start building wealth or preserving your present wealth then Silver is a good choice. Silver is getting more and more scarce every day and Russia has just stepped up to the plate. Russia is now buying and adding Silver to their reserves and sure as the summer sun the Bric countries will soon follow.

Also what is quite interesting is above ground stocks. They are becoming more and more depleted. While there is unlimited supply on the paper market this is not so true in the physical market. Shortages are likely to become common place which could send prices upward. How high can they go is anybody’s guess but many analysts are prediction above 50 dollars an ounce. With interest rates and bond yields falling this is almost a certainty.

Pure Silver Coin Year of the Snake 2025

n Chinese zodiac, the snake is associated with wisdom, charm, elegance, and transformation. People born in the Year of the Snake are believed to be intuitive, strategic, and intelligent.

The Snake occupies the sixth position in the Chinese zodiac. The next Snake year is 2025, starting from January 29th, 2025 (Chinese New Year) and ending on February 16th, 2026 (Chinese New Year’s Eve). 2025 is the year of the Wood Snake.

Year of the Snake

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Chinese Zodiac Snake Years

People born in the year of the Snake are called ‘Snakes’ in China. If you were born in 2025, 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929, or 1917, then you’re probably a Snake.

A Chinese zodiac year is usually said to start from Chinese New Year, whose date ranges from late January to mid-February. Therefore, if you were born in January or February in one of the above years, you might be a Snake or a Dragon.

If you are looking to add to your stack or maybe buy a nice gift for you friends and relatives born in the years of the Snake the Pure Silver Coin from the Australian Mint is a great choice. Australia produces some of the finest Silver Coins in the world and are respected anywhere.


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