Post your Free Ad on the Front page of Advertise Free on the Internet
Hello everyone out there in internet marketing land. You have a special invite to come post your ads right on the front page of Advertisefreeontheinternet.com. It’s very simple to do. Just visit my web site and click on an ad. You will be take to a free advertising web site to join. The web site is called Leadsleap.com All you do is sign up free and go to the free ads section.
Who can post Credit Ads?
All members.
How it works?
1) Set up your ad. (Watch the ‘ Ad Posting Demo’ if you need help)
2) Your ad will be reviewed within 24 hours. Once approved, it will be shown in the network.
3) Whenever your credit ad receives a real visit, 1 credit will be deducted, either from the preloaded credits, or from your total credits if the ad is in Auto Mode. (You will learn more about Preload and Auto Mode when you set up the ad.)
4) Credit Ads will expire after 14 days. This is to ensure that ads in the network are up to date. We recommend that you review your ad every week to avoid disruption.
What is the credit:traffic ratio?
1 credit = 1 real visit to your Credit Ad.
I want 50 free traffic a day. What should I do?
Set up all 3 Credit Ads (10 if you are a Pro Member) and make sure you have 50 credits every day.
How do I earn credits?
Credits can be earned by viewing, rating and reporting other ads in the network, participating in our PPC program and through our referral program.
Can I buy credits?
No. Credits are not for sale. If you have the budget, you can upgrade to a Pro Member. Pro Members can post Pro Ads, which will be shown in the system 24/7 without the need of credits.
What else do I need to take note?
Credit Ads will expire after 14 days. You’ll need to update them regularly.
If you are a Pro Member, your Credit Ads will be exempted from this rule.
How many Credit Ads can I post?
3 if you are a Free Member, 10 if you are a Pro Member.
Getting Traffic to your Ads
Leads Leap is a great site to join to get free traffic to your ads. They have thousands and thousands of members. These members visit quite often so your 3 free ads will be seen. What’s even better is that members who put the ppc code on their websites can earn money. When they do this your ads will be seen on their websites. This is pretty powerful free advertising and it is simple to do.
Another amazing feature about this site is that when you sign up referrals you get free credits. Your referrals also earn free credits for you and this goes on for many levels building up your free traffic. Visit Leads Leap daily to view the ads to build credits or simply sign up others to earn credits. Leads Leap is free to join so it is quite easy to sign up others. Not only that it is one of the top free advertising sites on the internet.
Did I also mention the paid per click program can earn you cash. Visit daily and click on ads and your earnings will grow over time. Earn enough to pay for your membership. No one likes clicking on ads so they have an upgrade option which is quite reasonable. Post ten ads when you upgrade in the pro section and ten ads in the free section. Normally it is only 3 ads so if you upgrade you are looking at quite a boost in your advertising power.

Join Leads Leap Today
Thousands of Internet Marketers can’t be wrong. They use this dynamic advertising system daily.