Post Free Ads on the Internet with the King of Traffic
How would you like to Advertise Free on the Internet and Make Money doing it. Post Free Ads on the Internet with the King of Traffic. Some of the best ways to get people looking at your ads is using the mailers. They come in all shapes and sizes and some are better than others. To save you time searching the internet for the best mailers to be using I have made it easy. Below there is a selection of mailers you can use that get you exposure to thousands.
These mailers are not just my picks but also the picks of the top internet marketers online today. By the way top internet marketers use the mailers often. There are many tips and tricks to be using the mailers and one of the best teaching methods is found in Prosperity Marketing. This program has a 7 Day Free Trial in which you can join and pay no money. Use this 7 Day Free Trial to take the Email Marketing course you find inside the back office. You will learn tips and strategies on how to use the top mailers to your advantage. Email marketing is the no1 method of advertising for profits on the internet and you should be using them.
Building your own email list is a long drawn out process for sure but it becomes fast and easy by using the methods in Prosperity Marketing. Sign up today by clicking on the link and getting a free download to this amazing free email marketing course.
What Mailers are the Best
The best mailers to use are the ones that are up and coming with an ever growing membership. Mailers that have been around for years are also good to use as they come with many members. Dedicated members of the old mailers have been using them for years. In my opinion newer upcoming mailers offer better upgrades and OTO’s you should be snapping up. For example one of the best new mailers is the Tezzer Mailer.
After 9 successful years running Tezzers Traffic Exchage one of the top performing traffic exchanges in existence a Mailer has emerged. Working 20 years working online the old dog Tony Tezak has a new trick up his sleeve. He teamed up with Robert Puddy and his winning development team to bring you email marketing at it’s BEST! The Tezzer Mailer. TezzerMail is built to last. It is seeing lot’s of action. I joined this mailer because it offered a one time life payment of only 6 dollars to get the Free Plus Upgrade. From my own personal experience it was the deal of the life time for this super popular and ever growing mailer.
Now when I click on an ad to earn advertising credits it gives me between 40 to 100 credits. This is better that the 19 dollar a month top Gold upgrade which you have to pay monthly. When you join Tezzer Free watch out for this one lifetime payment to get the Free + upgrade. It is for life and also the deaL of the lifetime for the best mailer on the market today in my opinion.
The Click Engine
The Click Engine is a Rotator that is sent out on mailers with your Business attached to it. These mailers are email lists of proven buyers from Jeff Aman a well respected internet marketer with thousands of followers. To get on this list you are going to have to become a monthly subscriber of his. Advertising is something you need and with the Click Engine it is affordable and powerful. Just sign up with Jeff and pay a monthly fee of only around 5 dollars. It’s a great deal and you will get a whole lot of people who are proven buyers looking at your email ads.

Proven Buyer Mailer
Proven buyer mailers are mailers that people pay to join. These mean that marketers who join them are serious buyers and will be looking at your business. If it is a good one they just might join you and visa versa. You might find a great business to join yourself while looking at the ads. One of the great things about the Easy Cash List Mailer is the Credit system. Right now you can join a mailer that will not only send your mail to just qualified buyers but will also only charge you a credit when your email is clicked.
Much like the Click Engine you will have to pay for this mailer. But with this mailer there is no monthly fee. There is only a one time payment for life. Just a quick one to let you know about a great Pro only mailer that lets you market to the spenders. It is housed in a system that guarantees you $5 (50% commissions) on every active standard referral. Grab your lifetime standard membership today for just $10 one time payment.
So not only can you get a proven buyer mailer for life also you can make a little money from it. How great is that and remember only proven buyers will be looking at your business. A one time payment for life of only ten dollars is a great advertising investment. What you need is a mailer that is growing fast and has proven buyers who are willing to spend money to make money. Free is after all free and many people who use the mailers for free are just not buyers! Click on the Banner to see what the Easy Cash Mailer has to offer you.
Use the Mailers Above in the Menu Bar
Up above in the Menu Bar at the top of the page you will see a link that say’s Mailers. Click on this link to see what other great mailer’s you can use to send your ads to. These mailers are the best that the internet has to offer and you will save yourself a lot of time searching for a mailer. I have done all the hard work and found the best mailers on the internet. Click on this link to check them out.
One can never get enough advertising on the internet but let’s face it a lot of it just don’t work. Many advertising sites charge you an arm and a leg without any guarantees you will make any money. Sites like Facebook and Google are charging a lot of money these days for advertising. This is why free advertising sites like Advertise Free on the Internet are worth looking at. Look around the site for great advertising sites and also some of the great businesses you can do on the internet.
Making money online is as simple as finding a great business opportunity and exposing it to others. Of course you need a business that is going to be around for awhile. Many fly by night one hit wonders come and go on the internet. Make sure you are joining a well established company. All the companies you find on this site to promote are companies that have been around for years and you can trust to pay you on time every time. Find a great company and promote it. It really is that simple.
Happy Marketing
Brent the King of Traffic