Learn How To Advertise Free on the Internet with Facebook
Have you just started an online business and now you need to get it seen? Learn how to advertise free on the internet with Facebook. After all this platform has a lot of users and you can reach out and connect with them. So how the heck do you get them to look at your business? Well hang in there and read on and I will show you a few ways that work very well, are easy to do and you get get started today. Let’s face it the internet can get pretty complicated. Now I don’t know about you but for me sometimes it can be overwhelming. You hear of Bloggers making 1000s a month online and You Tubers pulling in 5 figures a month. Wow, sure sounds like a dream. So how do they do it you might wonder. They start by building a following and you can build one on Facebook for free.
Great so show me how? Well it’s quite simple really. You probably already got a Facebook account because you like to chat with your family and friends. Did you know you can also create a business page! It’s a snap to do.
Facebook Pages let you grow your business on and off Facebook. Pages come with a suite of free business tools that help you achieve your business goals.
Before you begin
- You must have a Facebook profile.
- See what you need to create a Page.
Create a Page (desktop)
To create a Page:
- From the Pages section, click Create new Page.
- Add your Page name and category.
- Add your Page’s bio and click Create.
- (Optional) Add information, such as Contact, Location and Hours, and click Next.
- (Optional) Add profile and cover photos, and edit the action button, and click Next.
- (Optional) Invite friends to connect with your Page, and click Next.
- Click Done.
You have created a Page in the new Pages experience. Learn how to grow your Page audience and engagement.
Learn more
- Add basic information to my Page
- Free tools to use on your Page
- Best practices to improve Page visibility and follower engagement
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Free advertising through the Social sites is a must for any business. Once you create your own business page and fill it with all your cool stuff start joining the Facebook groups. Find groups that match your niche and join all of them. The more you join the more you can advertise free on them. Believe me a lot of people just love these groups and visit daily to see what’s new and converse with fellow peers. Everyone likes to share ideas and experiences with likewise folks. Why the heck do you think they call them Social Sites!
Post a great article about on your new business page. Show images of your great new products and share them with all your new friends. Groups that share your interests want to see what you got as well as show you what they are promoting. It really is a win, win for all. So what are you waiting for? Take action and start promoting your new business with Facebook. It’s free and easy. Don’t have a business? Grab the 3Hour Cash Machine for FREE. This program is completely free and will build you a great income just using the Social Sites with it’s Viral system.
Well that’s it for today so stay tuned for more tips
the King of Traffic