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How to Get Leads Daily to any Business with 5Figure Day

How to Get Leads Daily to any Business with 5Figure Day

How to Get Leads to my LiveGood Business

April 9, 2023

How to Get Leads to my LiveGood Business

Good Day Folks it’s Brent here. So it seems like LiveGood has hit the track running and exploded down the road. Now after every launch there comes a time to set a pace. When first launched all great new companies will get top leaders to jump on board right away and promote. But what about you. Maybe your not an experienced NetWork Marketing Guru. It is time to sit back and set your own pace. Don’t worry your leads will come. Have patience and most of all persistance.

Also you are going to need some tools. Tools that will help you generate this team building. Take your time and develop a good work ethic and soon your team will start to grow. Maybe it won’t explode overnight and make you a diamond like the top leaders. But don’t forget these guys have been doing it for years and have built thousands of leads. Leads are where it’s at when it comes to MLM and NetWork Marketing. Well any kind of sales really. Leads are the bread and butter of any Sales Campaigns. And now you are going to get an automated lead builder. Introducing!

5Figure Day Lead Software

Free Lead System 5 Figure Day Get it Here

Congratulations and welcome to 5FigureDay Full Throttle! 5 Figure Day will generate Leads for you daily using their leads software.

The 5Figure software multiplies your leads and 3 Minute Set Up – Runs On 99% Autopilot – 100% Beginner Friendly – Website + Hosting Included – Same Day Income Potential – Scale Up FAST – 100% Free Viral Traffic Built In FAST FORWARD TO TODAY 5FIGUREDAY IS BACK… …and more powerful than ever before.

5Figureday was and is, without question, my most successful and most powerful online income software ever. But like anything else, after running it through its paces… …it became time to rebuild 5FigureDay from the ground up – to ready it for a brand new army of people… …an army of people like YOU who are ready to generate massive email lists and autopilot income in 2020 and beyond. So with that in mind, my biz partner Tom E and I have been working like race horses to bring you the ALL-NEW 5Figureday…

Power of your Own List



List Building

Make up to 10K per month or more with your email list alone.

Check out my list income above for a single recent month across several accounts.

There’s simply no easier money I know of than blasting out an email to your list.

Aside from perhaps winning the lottery, I believe it’s quite literally the easiest money in the world.

And that’s exactly why Tom and I “drill it into our followers” that you NEED to be building email lists like we are.

By joining 5FigureDay FT right now you could have your first “batch” of email subscribers

AND your first $47, $97, or even $197 commission.

By the end of the day TODAY.

And do the same thing tomorrow.

…And ultimately gear up for your first 10K month in 2020 and beyond.

Again, just like Tom and I do.

We’re not rocket scientists over here. Believe me, lol.

We’re just a couple of dudes that like to have fun with our families and fun with our music and hobbies…

…and we do all that while we make money online – much of it on autopilot.

And obviously a truckload of it with email, as you just saw.

The moral of the story?

…Do what we do…

Join 5FiguredayDay Full Throttle right now during our 7 day holiday discount.

…and “jingle all the way to the bank.” 

We look forward to seeing you inside…


In any kind of NetWork Marketing effort getting leads is the key to success. You can use funnels or run classifieds or maybe start a YouTube Channel. Attraction marketing works but when you can find targeted leads that are looking for what you have then you struck gold.

When you go out shopping for some milk and a loaf of bread do you come home with a bag of cheezies and a coke. Not likely. Same thing with leads. They are out looking for a specific item. 5Figure Day will get these leads for you with a plug and play system and you can also plug in some traffic. Invest in your business and take action today with the new 5Figure Day!

What kind of lead generator are you using? Let us know!

Brent Walker LiveGood Team Builder

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