How Do I advertise Free on the Internet in 2024


If you are like me you are always looking for top quality advertising sites that are low cost or even free. Most free advertising sites are just a waste of your time but there are some out there that are well worth joining. So just How Do I advertise Free on the Internet in 2024 and beyond with a site that works. Well in my humble opinion there is only one site that is free that is a step above the rest. That site is LeadsLeap.

Of course there are a ton of other ways to advertise free on the internet such as Social Sites like Tik Tok and FaceBook just to name a couple. There are lot’s of social sites where you can make a short video and download it right away. Many people are making pretty good income with this strategy. Being a dummy I tend to stick with the internet free advertising sites. Although a combination of both methods probably will get you better results.

How Do I advertise Free on the Internet in 2024

Another great thing about LeadsLeap besides being a powerful free advertising site is that you can make income through it’s ppc code. If you have a Blog or Website you can just copy the script and paste it on your post. Every time someone comes along and reads your article and clicks on an ad you make money. Write tons or articles and post them and before you know it your LeadsLeap income will start to grow. Pretty cool and easy way to make extra income online.

So just how do I advertise free on the internet using LeadsLeap. Just login and click on ten ads and your free advertising kicks in. Your ads won’t just be seen on the LeadsLeap platform they will also be seen on the entire Coop. That’s right, LeadsLeap is a cooperative in where your ads get placed automatically all through the network which is hundreds of advertising sources. Cool or what! That is a ton of free advertising for just clicking on ten ads. Also you can upgrade and get all this without doing any clicking at all. Watch for the Sales and save money.

How Do I advertise Free on the Internet in 2024

Blogs are still a great way to get passive, free advertising on the internet but it’s not really a great exposure unless your a super blogger and get read by hundreds daily. That in itself is hard to do. Sure a few bloggers do it but most are lucky just to get a few hits a day. One thing about being a blog writer is you do have to pay monthly for the internet and the theme. You might be better off just to upgrade on LeadsLeap if you don’t like clicking on Ads.

Here is the way the ads are displayed across hundreds if not thousands of blogs and websites. Click on one to see how they function. Yours ads will be shown if you sign up to LeadsLeap and use the system. That is one heck of a lot of exposure. Even if on blog only gets a few hits a day if your ads are on it then you times that by a thousand you can see it’s a ton of free traffic. This is why you should join this free advertising system and post some ads. Free members can post 3 free ads which is pretty good exposure don’t you think?

How Do I advertise Free on the Internet in 2024

Also which is pretty cool is you can check out the traffic charts and info to see how much traffic is coming to your ads. Visitors

Unique: 357

Signups: 0



It will show you in a graph and on a menu where the traffic is coming from and how much of it. This is an important tool for the simple reason it shows you which sites are working for you and which ones aren’t for getting traffic. Traffic is Sales don’t forget and the more you get the more sales you are going to make.

What are you waiting for, sign up free and start posting your free ads today. Take Action. Start making yourself some passive income on the internet.


One can never have too much traffic coming to their ads. You should be seeking every source available both free and paid to start making money online. All you need is a great product to sell and traffic coming to it to make sales. There you go. LeadsLeap is a top source to do it on.

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