Free Solo Ads Banner Ads and Text Ads
Feeling not so special at traffic sites that only give you 500 credits as a reward for joining?
MajesticViralMailer rolls out the red carpet by giving you 5,000 credits, 5 Solos, 5 HP Solos, 5 Banner Ads, 5 Button Ads, and 5 Text Links…JUST FOR REGISTERING!
To top it off, you can use Promo Code: newmember
This will give you ANOTHER 5,000 Credits, 5 Solo Ads, 5 HP Solos, 5 Banner Ads, 5 Button Ads, and 5 Text Links!
Earn up to 50% in Referral Commissions!
5 AWESOME Super Solo Networks!
Get started TODAY!

Safe List Advertising
When it comes to advertising free on the internet I am a big believer in using the free mailers. Of all the methods used to advertise on the internet mailers are at the top of the list. Internet marketers love using these safe lists mainly because they deliver a ton of free traffic. And I might add this traffic is by fellow internet marketers looking for free credits.
They have to click on your ad to get a credit to place their own ad. What this means is you are going to get a whole lot of targeted traffic. Exactly what you are looking for. You want targeted traffic from fellow seeking online net workers who are looking for advertising. They are also looking for ways to make money online.
Introducing Target Safe List
If you are looking for a fantastic new safe list that has the ability to get your ads seen to thousands look no more. Actually Target Safe List is an old mailer that has been bought and revamped by Dave Mosher. This guy knows how to build safe list mailers and he is going to give you free advertising for joining. Also the mailer is free to join.
You are going to get Banners Ads, Text Ads and best of all a free mailer. He gives you free solo and HP solos just for joining. The best part about this mailer is you can reach out and connect with all his other mailers and members. This ads up to some pretty powerful advertising and I was just checking my signups to Club Monster Mode and it works. I got a sign up from Target Safe List.

Target Safe List Benefits
- Contact Solo Ads
- Surfing Ads
- High Priority Solo Ads
- Credit Mailer
- Banner and Button Ads
- Text Links
- Full Page Sponsored Ads
- Affiliate Builder
- Personal Affiliate Builder
- Earn Free Ads Every Time You Click “X” Amount Of Ads
- Earn Discounts By Clicking Ads
- Personal Splash Page Builder
- Earn DOUBLE-CREDITS During Happy Hour!
- PLUS Many Other Membership Benefits!
Happy Hour – Earn DOUBLE Credits!!!Now you can earn TWICE the amount of Credits when you clickon ads every day of the week during “Happy Hour.”Based on Central Standard Time (CST):1am | 3am | 8am | 11am | 3pm 5pm | 10pm | 11pm