Make email marketing pay the easy way
Not Happy With The Results From
Free To Join Mailers & Safelists?
Bank More Cash By Sending Your Email Ads To
Only The Proven Buyers That Use Mailers With
Michael Camire’s Pro Only List Building System!
You Get 1000 Email Click Tokens Included In The Lifetime Membership Fee Only $10 |
There are lots of mailers opening their doors each and every day, but most are just the same old thing.
However right now you can join a mailer that will not only send your mail to just qualified buyers but will also only charge you a credit when your email is clicked.
On top of that its all enclosed in a system that can guarantee that you earn 50% per active referral and you can have full lifetime standard membership for just $10.
Stop wasting time mailing freebie seekers
A Pro Mailer, That Guarantees You Earn Real Cash For Each Active Referral! No Freebie Seekers Here, Mail To Only Qualified Buyers! It’s Easier To Make Cash When Using A List Building System Where You Only Send Your Emails To Qualified Buyers As We Remove The Freebie Seekers!
Get your own Pre qualified buyer mailer today for only 10 dollars.
Join Here
Safelists and Mailers
Free Mailers are great to use because they build your list for you. The only problem with the Safe-Lists is people are clicking on them to gain credits for their own ads. This means that the odds of them looking at your offer’s are lower than with paid emails. People that pay to send clicks are serious marketers who look at offers.
These marketers are willing to spend money. Easy List Building is a mailer that has only proven quality buyers on the list. What this means is your offers will get seen. Not only that the clicks you buy will only get discounted when people click on them. For example if you send out an email to a thousand members and only 50 click on you ads. You will still have 950 credits for your next email. Only mails that are read get credits taken. You will know exactly how many people are looking at your ads.
When you buy leads from a professional email sending list you don’t know how or what your results are going to be. Why not get your own life time proven buy mailer. It only makes sense and you will only be paying for clicks that are being viewed.
Get your very own private mailer today for only 10 dollars.